Sunday, March 29, 2009

Regarding last post

I usually hate those pretentious artists who go on and on about what was behind their art and what they were trying to do and blah blah blah.  I feel the art should speak for itself, generally.  But in this case, I have to break my own rule and add a footnote of sorts. 

I was trying to do something with wildly conflicting emotions, ultimately silly but with dark undertones. It wasn't a chronicle of my life so much as an experiment. I don't consider myself a poet but I sometimes like to dabble in the form. "She" was intended as a darkly funny freestyle tone poem.

It was inspired in part by not being able to fall asleep even though I was exhausted, and in part by the webcomic "A Softer World" (, which has some severely fucked up (but often funny) stuff.  

Anyway, I guess I got a big fail on that one, but it was the kind of thing that sticks in my head unless I write it down, so I did. 

There you go, the DVD extra for the last post.  

1 comment:

  1. I laughed. I just didn't comment because I have a little monkey running around here. You know. Like now, he's all sugared up on donuts.
