Monday, June 22, 2009

In Which Expectations Are Not Met

I think I kind of expected my life to turn into a sitcom when I moved to LA. 

Maybe because the last time I moved to LA, it kind of did. 

You know what I mean: A bunch of friends that you hang out with all the time, or who drop by regularly, silly relationship hijinks (of one kind or another), going out all the time, lots of snappy one-liners.  

That's not actually how it's been playing out.  I think with a lot of my LA friends, I've been outta sight, outta mind for so long they're still not used to me being nearby.  And I hate being the guy who's constantly calling people up and trying to hang out.  I'm actually on my own as much as -- if not more than -- I was in OC.  

I'm also getting pretty over going out on my own.  I can do it, and I have fun as much as not, but it's really not the same. In a lot of respects. 

Rather than just whinging about it though, I will of course do something about it.  I've started volunteering at a non-profit -- many of the key people there know me of old and they fucking love me, no exaggeration.  I'm gonna check out a few other things I can get involved in.  

(Obviously I've gotta arrange it so I'm not spending so much time doing other things that I'm not writing -- which is exactly the mistake I made when I lived in LA before -- but I think that's pretty doable. Besides, I'm not exactly going great guns on that front at the moment. Another thing I need to address.) 

The other factor in this: You know how you're hanging with people who've known you for years, and you kinda slip into the familiar patterns?  I'm not the guy I was four years ago.  But I do find myself being him when I'm around people who've got expectations of my behavior.  I really need to break myself of that.  And much as I love my peeps, maybe I would in fact be better off amongst new people, who have no preconceptions on how I'm "supposed to be".  

Heh. Maybe I should've moved a lot farther than I did.  But whatever. There are millions of people in LA county. Shouldn't be that hard to recast the sitcom.

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