Sunday, January 4, 2009

E is for...


It's your new word for the day. 

Or maybe it's not a new word for you.  How the hell do I know?  

It's odd: For the most frequently-used letter in the English language, there really aren't that many good "e" words that spring to mind just now. 

Except for the -- wait for it -- egregious use of the letter as a prefix.  

Is anyone else tired of hearing or reading about things being "e-" or "i-"?  It's an electronic device.  It can do shit online.  We get it. Come up with a new fucking schtick, already. Like not using stupid-cute but ultimately useless prefixes to tell us what your doohickey does.  Instead, why don't you come up with a descriptive name for your doohickey, hmm? Your marketing people went to college, you pay them three to six times what I earn, in spite of my obviously superior worth, so bloody put them to work, why don't you?

Another thing that just happens to be bugging me right now is the ads on MySpace.  They have also annoyed me in the past, and I've no doubt whatsoever they will continue to annoy me long into the future.  I know I'm sort of repeating myself, having recently blogged about my disgust with the gratuitous advertising. But in that it IS in fact gratuitous and widespread, it stands to reason I would get rankled by it anew.

Just now I'm getting tired of being told what Thomas Dekker's IQ is. For months now, on a daily basis, I'm told how smart he is, and exhorted to learn how I stack up against him. I didn't know who the hell Thomas Dekker is.  Moreover, I had no idea why I should care.  Finally I look it up and learn it's the kid who plays John Connor on the Terminator TV show.  

Still haven't learned why I should care.


  1. I prefer "erogenous".
    Overused? I hope not.

  2. LMAO! I just loved the last line. So dry, but so true.
