Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm not a poet

But there's this group I'm in on MySpace that's found a sudden obsession with poetry, and everyone's expected to contribute. 

Thing is, I've written like two poems in my life. And two songs. Those latter two, I was like six.  I performed them to my stepdad's piano accompaniment. I've got them on CD now. 

But those poems. Those were done rather more recently, since my divorce. One was, predictably, about my ex-wife, what I wish I could have said to her but couldn't, never did.  It was called Words Unsaid. Funny thing: No one else ever read that one. And now I haven't any copies. 

The other, which is not about my ex-wife, I do have, and I have to admit, I actually considered posting it, because it's all I have and everyone else was doing it, right? I even polished it up a little. But I said I wouldn't post it there, so I won't. 

Thing is about poetry, it's a lot of things but near the top of the list is cathartic. I wrote Time Was in an effort to move on. That means it's not exactly cheerful.  And really, it's never been my thing to be publicly down. I can handle being angry in public, but lower than that... it's too easy to start whining, right. And no one likes a whiner, myself especially.

But it's two years or so later, and I guess I've moved on as much as I'm likely to.  I'm not all vulnerable anymore.  

Time was you'd call me
Time was we'd talk
Time was we held each other
in the dark

Time was I made you laugh
when everything was all right
Time was we held hands
in the moonlight

Time was you turned to me 
when things were going rough
that was back when you felt
my advice was enough

Time was you'd text me
about every little thing
and I was always expecting
that my phone would ring

Time was I'd come home
to messages from you
In those days it seemed our talk
was never really through

You woke up something in me
that I thought had gone
You made me believe I could love
again, I didn't have to be alone

I'd been shut off, you turned me on
It was you who reached to me
And in that reach I dared see hope
I suddenly believed

Now those times are over
You've got another love
Amidst the ashes of memories
I see that I was wrong

I wish that time was to you
what it was to me
I know now that I misconstrued
But I didn't want to see

Time was 
But not anymore
And the world has grown
a little darker


  1. Thank you for posting that. That was really good. That's better than a lot of what I've written.

  2. That was pretty deep. I think I know who that was about... Very well written!
